Best Ways To Get Rid Of Age Spots

The Best Ways To Get Rid Of Age Spots

Are you looking for the best ways to get rid of age spots? Age spots are usually seen in people 50 and older. They result from sun damage and environmental factors that cause skin cells to pile up and oxidize. 

These spots generally appear on the face and neck and can also be found on other body parts. Age spots can be exasperated by smoking, alcohol, or high caffeine consumption.

Everyone gets age spots at some point in their life. The most common cause of these dark patches on the skin is due to the effects of free radicals, which are molecules that damage cells in the skin. 

Luckily, there are many ways to get rid of these spots. These include a variety of natural methods, such as supplementing your diet, avoiding sun exposure, and using a topical lotion.

Best Ways To Get Rid Of Age Spots


A dermatologist delicately removes the top layer of skin using portable equipment. There may be a period before the benefits of treatment may be seen. People typically receive between five and 16 sessions, according to the AAD.

A person’s skin may become inflamed and swollen after the operation. Temporary bruising, blistering and stinging, and UV sensitivities may occur. After the procedure, the dermatologist will tell the patient to apply moisturizer.


Cryotherapy freezes aging spots with a cotton-tipped swab and a very cold fluid, such as nitrogen. The process removes pigment from the skin, resulting in lighter skin when it recovers. Some of the side effects include inflamed skin, discomfort, a rash, and swelling.

Castor Oil

Castor oil has been utilized in many civilizations to help wrinkles and age spots for millennia. Applied topically, it can moisturize the skin and stimulate cell renewal.

After washing the area with soap and water, apply a thin castor oil coating. To prevent the oil from evaporating, wrap it in plastic wrap or gauze. The treatment should be left on for at least 15 minutes or until completely dry.

Onion Mask

Sulfur compounds in onions work as antiseptics, and their acids help exfoliate dead skin cells. Lemon juice can irritate delicate skin, so onion juice is a great option.

Mask with Sugar Cane Juice and Turmeric

Turmeric, a spice rich in antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, is an excellent addition to this recipe for fading age spots. It aids in skin tightening and supplies a plethora of beneficial proteins.

Sugar cane’s moisturizing properties promote new cell development and regeneration in the skin. Incorporating the two together creates a lovely yellow mixture that smoothes out wrinkles and evens skin tone.

Chemical Peels

Dermatologists and aestheticians use chemical peels to treat a range of skin disorders. Healthy skin might also benefit from a chemical peel to enhance its texture or generate a more even tone.

Age spots can be removed with one or more chemical peels since they are frequently located close to the skin’s surface.

A mild acid must be employed to remove dead skin cells and the uppermost layers of the skin. Although a chemical peel isn’t particularly unpleasant, it might cause some discomfort.

You’ll first notice that your skin is becoming dry and red. Additionally, you may have pain, swelling, and even blisters. After a few days, you may see some peeling.

Sunlight and other UV rays might irritate your skin, so you’ll need to stay indoors for a few days to protect yourself. You’ll also have to put up with a few weeks of downtime between sessions.

Therapy using LED lights

It’s no surprise that LEDs are gaining favor because of their environmental benefits and wide range of uses. Age spot therapy is one of these uses.

LED face light is very safe. If you’re looking for a solution to get rid of stubborn melanin spots, this may be the answer. Because LED light is so feeble, it generally takes multiple treatments to see any difference.

Chemical peels and other procedures of removing age spots, on the other hand, might have unpleasant side effects. Goggles are all you’ll need to keep your eyes safe. As a result, there will be no redness or sensitivity to the skin.


Applying Vaseline to the afflicted area is a method for removing age spots. The oil nourishes the top layer of skin, eradicating any discoloration and enhancing one’s look. It works effectively on the top layer of skin.

In addition to its moisturizing effects, Vaseline also contains regenerative capabilities that can help fade the spots. Allow the lotion to dry before moving on to the next step. It doesn’t need to be washed off.

Burt’s Bees Cream

To combat the appearance of age spots, use Burt’s Bees serum, which has been demonstrated to work. Put a dime-sized quantity on a cotton ball and massage it into the skin for several minutes.

Burt’s bees cream adds a protective layer against wrinkles and sun damage by the serum’s ability to hydrate the skin.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel is a common home cure for age spots and other skin imperfections. Clears pores, relieves inflammation and exfoliates scars with aloe vera gel.

You may also use it to prevent infection or acne outbreaks, as it has antimicrobial characteristics. As soon as you wake up in the morning, apply an aloe vera gel treatment to your face to remove any excess dirt or filth from your skin.


The FDA has now authorized this in-office therapy for age spots following a clinical study. Doctors use a high concentration of liquid hydrogen peroxide on each age spot for four minutes during this procedure. Moisturizing the age spots with hydrogen peroxide aid in their dissolution without harming the surrounding skin.

If an age spot is large or black, it may take more than one treatment to remove it entirely. Mild skin irritation and scabbing are this medication’s most prevalent side effects.

Final Thoughts On The Best Ways To Get Rid Of Age Spots

Age spots are one of the most common skin conditions that people deal with from time to time. Though they may seem unsightly, many techniques can help reduce their appearance. 

Using natural products and topical creams will help treat the problem.